Jan 4, 2020

Indifference is a need

Updating the petition has been one of those very difficult things to do. Not because I don’t have anything to say. Not because there isn’t reason to. But because there IS so much to say! Because all that I am discovering is so contradicting to the common, educated mind, that it seems impossible to do.

“Is it this or is it that?” “Is it true or false?” “Is it this reality or that reality?”

Questions that we normally don’t consider questioning. Fixed realities that seem to exclude the opposite. But reality is much more complex than our linear, dual minds.

Yes, my child is still in captivity. Yes, she is still forbidden to come home, even for a visit. Yes, I’m still totally alienated from her, not allowed to communicate with her, at all, as is the rest of her family and friends. Yes, there is still indifference, injustice, countless violations, as is the case in many like subjects, areas, as well as other people's lives around the world.

A lot can be said about all this… most of which most people just don't want to know because they have their own pain, their own problems. The old paradigm that has us locked up in ourselves, our little lives, our tragedies.. Or else, makes many philanthropists, givers, so that they can avoid their own self.

But no, nothing is static, nothing is closed or defeated, as It seems. It’s not all just pain. Pain is not weakness. It would serve the establishment but it just isn’t the case.

Duality just doesn’t exist as an “only” reality; it certainly is NOT the persuasive "truth" that it seems to be.

I’m certainly NOT the same person I was back in May 2017 and yet I am too.

I know I don’t control anything and yet I do too.

I’m still not pleading to anyone; no authority seemingly powerful enough to "offer justice". I know that’s a patriarchal belief we are made to adopt, as we continue to support the judicial system as justice (even though its proved to be untrustworthy), parties and governments, experts and organizations, as gods that will somehow save us (even though they are obviously not). "Human rights", laws, legislations, constitutions and civil obligations we are taught not to question.

But is becoming more and more evident that it just isn’t the case! None of all that we have been taught is working.

No one can stop me from being a parent, a mother, of connecting with my child; all my children, all that I love and care of; each moment, each day, in many ways, beyond the common beliefs of "connecting".

Reality is way beyond the control of the rigid, schooled mindset, the powers that seem incorruptible, the forces that seem to exploit the human being, as they do the planet.

The fear that is meant to control our lives is just a program that we can get rid of. So much is being revealed and changes, on a daily basis, which of course is not projected by the mainstream instiutions, not realized until we ourselves make that shift.

I know now that change cannot be prevented. It’s already happening. Belief has nothing to do with it; knowledge and the will to transform does!

This petition is actually a wake-up calling…to those who have the ability and the will to listen. Nothing is as we are taught/schooled it is!

The fight against the establishment's schooling systems that I started many years ago (many more than the ones I was convicted with) is much greater than the right to real education, the right to choose, the right to be a conscious human being, the right to parent my child...

It is a fight; a non-violent but assertive fight, a non-stoppable commitment to truth, that is beyond opinion (even my own at times). It's a commitment to love as the central force of creation (that has nothing to do with personal need our comfort zones or anything that we have taught love is).

I think the most valuable lessons I've had to learn and acquired in all these decades of unschooling myself is the real meaning of humility and innocence (not promoted of course by the establishment).

I don't know what I don't know! I can only implement that which I know, in my life, in all areas, and within that, I learn and see the next step. The rest, I remain open to, willing to research, to discover.Sounds simple! It isn't!

Innocence and humility require huge responsibility to take on...

Criticism only shows me the critics. Rejection only shows me the fearful, the "knowers", who have actually become rigid, closed, limited within their walls. 

I really can only "teach that which I don't know". A phrase I wrote many years ago but I'm now re-discovering all over again...

The healer has to connect with another's pain, heal himself as he heals his patient. The teacher must connect with his student's world to help him see what HE is meant to see. The parent must shift his perception to a whole new level of an era unknown to him to parent the child. No commercial exchange can have any real benefits unless there is an honest, human relationship between the parties involved in the transaction.

It's the feminine way... beyond genders, beyond past knowledge, beyond former civilizations, beyond usual imaginings! 

We are moving towards a totally new reality, a totally different civilization than the one we were brought up in; that we came to know as the only possible or exiting one. In many ways, we are already in it! The proof is everywhere, only if we are capable of seeing, being in it (the only real way to see).

What the abusers think they control, they don't really. 

It's not really the beginning of a "New Year", except in our linear calendar and programs. We're still in the middle of winter (in the northern hemisphere) and still much to be done till the new year... 

A new dialogue is emerging, beyond agreement and disagreement, beyond the attempts to persuade, beyond emotional, subconscious theft, way beyond dis-empowerment and the law of the jungle; our lower instincts...

Indifference is a need fulfilled, as long as we don't yet have enough (internal) strength to hold knowing.  

So, can a petition update not be filled with facts and figures but with truth beyond all that? Can it not plead with any authority but be a calling to any human being listening, catching the vibration of a new reality emerging? Can it be a presence that is not corrected, not refined, not tailored for the usual, societal expectations; the linear, dual mind?

It seems to CAN! A sentence my former school teachers would freak out with, but which rings true and real to me! Mistakes mean so much more than we are taught to believe they are...

No one can force us to be less than we can be...



  1. Exceptional! And, you know what? It opened a window in my mind, about my issue we were talking about in the morning!

    1. I'm so happy that it did! This is precisely my point...my whole life:
      We only change the world by expressing and showing our own change.
      Thank you!
