Jun 15, 2019

Our comfort zones

Every day I see her photos. They are on my computer's screen saver as a slideshow and all around the house.

Every day I see her books, her toys, her writings, her drawings, her crafts. They're everywhere. It's a house that has always been kid-centered.

Every day I see her clothes. They're still hanging in her wardrobe and folded in her drawers. I know that most don't fit her anymore.

Jun 6, 2019

Another brick in the wall

So, you’ve given yourself the excuses. You’ve answered your questions. You’ve even answered them for others, in your head, without needing to ask them directly. You’ve arranged everything inside your head, to defend our case and have closed the door.

“You never have to open it again”, you tell yourself, “that’s known ground”. Besides, you can’t keep all doors open, you have to move on.