Aug 22, 2018

Under the surface

The pain is unimaginable, immeasurable.

Finding other things to do doesn’t make it go away. It doesn’t lighten it. There is no way I can be who I was before or what people might expect of me. Physical pain, in any form gives me the impression of being alive, the strength to go on, the reminder that I am here. It’s visible, more manageable, an indication of movement in the stagnancy that has been forced on me.

I am also discovering the misconception we have believed of pain, the body, the heart-mind, ego-mind, truth and so much more, much deeper than linear, surface level... through experience.

There are many times that I weaken, bend; no one sees it. The tears seem to have dried up but they haven’t. They just transferred/relocated deeper inside. In the depths of my soul, there is just my spirit holding me on.

When I say that “the pain is unimaginable, immeasurable”, the words are read but over-passed. They are just words! The context is not there, it’s hidden. Words are just symbols. They don’t mean anything on their own, on the surface. The heart-brain/mind is missing. There is no connection. There are no images, emotions, movement, no life in symbols.

Children learn to read but not to feel, not to get involved. Unschooling is not what I “do”, it’s who I am! Becoming a true, alive, conscious human being has been my life’s purpose, not something I happened to stumble on five years ago. It won’t change!

Much or the unschooling/homeschooling movement is marketed but on a deeper level it’s still taking only its first baby steps outside the real cage, which is in the mind. Moving from one polarity to its opposite on a surface level doesn’t bring balance or any substantially new, creative solution to the problem/challenge of raising free individuals.

It’s been an easy task for authorities to take away custody without any evidence, without questioning, with no alternative solution to the “legal” problem of schooling, which is pathetically degrading and dysfunctional, getting worse each year, in Greece, for all children. It’s been easy to isolate a child, violate her psychologically, physically, and mentally because it’s easier and safer to be a judge rather than a participant, a knower. It takes courage to meet, to feel, to question honestly. It takes no courage to condemn in ignorance, to punish out of fear, to silence out of arrogance and insecurity.

“Friends”, passersby, social workers, teachers, “spiritual” people, acquaintances, prosecutors (the title doesn’t matter, human beings do); anyone and everyone who touched and /or allied in any way, in this case, with the same heartless attitude, only represent/mirror the judge who effortlessly ordered subtraction of custody without ever meeting either of us, without ever knowing or questioning anything about either of us. In the same way, they all mirror and give power to the subsequent judges who ordered "restricted, supervised visitations”, based on false accusations they didn’t bother to look into, study or question. The lies and deceptions on this road of false accusations and condemnation are so evidently apparent and available, that it’s a joke – and a tragedy for our humanity.

It’s not just a medieval burning of witches; it’s an age old tactic of condemnation of anyone who dares to oppose the establishment, of those whose ideas threaten the existing oppressive paradigms that slave our humanity.

Yet, differentiated action would need involvement. We live in a world where “my job, my security, my title, my interest” is based on not caring, following orders unquestionably, keeping silent, not exposing/expressing our truth; closing ourselves in our little “safe” cages. Mere survival is an instinctual fight against one another… making us inhumane.

The testimony was sent to more than a thousand people personally: judges, leaders, prosecutors, lawyers, authors, teachers, social workers, journalists etc etc. Ninety five percent of all those and a lot more that have read it online or through an acquaintance rejected it, passed it by, condemned, equally easily and effortlessly, without knowing, without getting involved. Only fear and self-doubt does that.

Three lawyers took up the case wanting to turn it into something that fitted their own interests, their own set of rules, so they would continue to feed the same legal system that they themselves know (in their hears at least, even if they don’t admit it in their mind) doesn’t work, is far from justice and equally condemn it! I have spoken to many of its representatives, both formally and informally, to know that is the case, the truth they all silently agree on. Admitted by all, "human rights” are violated daily, on a global scale, mostly and firstly by those who are supposed to implement and defend them. But ironically, human beings continue to feed the same system that oppresses them, probably not realizing that they are just like it inside themselves, probably not realizing their own responsibility and purpose of life, beyond mere survival!

There are no words to describe how a mother feels who has had her child stolen from her by authority, with fabricated non existent stories, so don't ask her. She won't sell her grief nor can she frame it. It's with her, every moment of every day, as all those involved and allied have no idea what they are really doing. Not just to her. Not just to the child. Not just to themselves.


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